I Know, I Know, It's Been Forever Since I Updated
The election wore me out...I had no motivation left to post. I even went to my favorite blogs less often. I feel the spirit returning, with the coming new year.
Here is a link I found on Michelle Malkins site. I think it says what we (non-liberals) have been thinking for months. It's a peice by Dave Oliviera, associate editor of the Spokesman-Review.
Easily offended people offend me.
I'm tired of them going off on God, Big Macs, SUVs and WMDs.
We Red Staters get offended, too – although we're too busy earning a living to squawk in a letter to the editor.
I'm offended, for example, by school Christmas concerts that feature songs about penguins, snowflakes and Frosty the Snowman but not a single word about the Christ Child. By "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas." By Target giving the boot to Salvation Army bell ringers. By downtown merchants in Denver refusing to allow Christ-centered themes and songs in their annual Christmas parade.